Monday, March 10, 2008

When I was a kid I lived for this....

We had the biggest snow fall total this weekend than we have seen in years. When I was a kid I lived for these days. I remember bundling up and not wanting to come in for anything. Maddie and Caroline were in and out all weekend long. I went out with them and took a few pictures. Due to the snow, we had a great weekend.... playing with the kids. We played Uno, Guitar Hero, Battleship and another game I can't recall what it was called... It was nice to not have to be anywhere... because everything was closed. I did take the Jeep out on Saturday to make a McDonalds run... helped lots of people unstick their cars. It was pretty cool to see others, just stopping to help push... out of the kindness of their own hearts. One particular car was stuck trying to get out of the alley near McDonalds. I jumped out of my Jeep to help give them a push. A guy pulled up in his Toyota Truck to help. He had a shaved head, pierced nose and lip, and numerous tattoos hidden under his leather jacket with chains. I did not think twice. I was happy for the help. I had been pushing this car for a few minutes and was not making progress. He jumped out, smiled real big and said, " I think you need some help." The lady driving by this time was quite upset and she tried to say, "Yes", but it did not come out very clear. Dr. Brown pulled up beside us and jumped in to help along with one of the guys who frequently walks around downtown Chillicothe mumbling to himself. We all four gave a big shove and off she went. We all smiled. Shook hands and went our separate ways. It did answer a question I have been asking myself for some time now.... would Jesus ever wear a nose ring and sport a tattoo? He did today! Thanks Bro! Whoever you are, thank you for being a servant to someone in need. Cool stuff.

Here are some pics...

1 comment:

julie p said...

thanks for continually looking to find Jesus in this world...and reminding all of us to do the same...

LOVE the Maddie/Caroline're an awesome daddy. (not to mention the "awesomeness" of Jen!)