Sunday, February 25, 2007

a great night at Youth....

Once a month we plan to have a Youth service at our church. Our hope in the beginning was to open it up to the community of Waverly, but it seems these day in the kaios we call DownPool, we barely have time to fit a service into the schedule. Tonight was the night and I led worship and Eli helped thorugh a contemplative prayer. It was excellent! I attempted to keep the worhsip very calm and reflective. I sort of messed around with the songs a bit, but I think it went OK. I really wanted our hearts to be centered by the time we got to Eli's excercise. We spent about 40 minutes listening to Eli described how God sees us. He gave us words that describes His love for us, how special we are, he told us about Jesus's truth. I felt like the response was terrific. I felt like our Youth really took this time to reflect and understand that they are a child of God and they are special. As teeneagers, I think kids struggle with understanding themselves. They are spending their time trying to get through this awkward stage in their lives. We were reminded tonight that Jesus loves us, every aspect of our being, unconditionaly. Thanks for the reminder Eli.


anna said...

thanks for pretending the mic didn't work so i wouldn't have to sing.. :)

seriously though, i was amazed at how that all seemed to run together perfectly..good job!

T5Guy said... can't use that excuse...the mics WERE working. You where just scared of the not having a plan ;) That's ok, i know that you really don't like singing with me. lol